Roman Catholicism2

Roman Catholicism2

Alarming Facts

The Catholic church, it is reported, is still in the arms trade. According to the Protestant newspaper, The English Churchman, Rome was behind smuggling stolen arms back in 1999, during the Kosovan war: “The arms were mostly Russian but included NATO arms stolen from Germany…The …READ MORE

Amy Coney Barrett Is Another Major Victory For Catholics In America

This article demonstrates once again the power and influence Catholics enjoy in America. However, devout Catholics are first and foremost under the authority of their cardinal, not country. At least that is how a ‘good’ Catholic is supposed to behave. While it is to be …READ MORE

Anathema On The World

The Catholic church has long stated that heretics (meaning all non-Catholics) should be killed (Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol. VII, p. 260.) For many years, Roman Catholicism blasphemously decreed 125 eternal curses on anybody that refused to agree and submit to them wholeheartedly, when Scripture many times to …READ MORE

Anglican Orders

What do all these Archbishops of Canterbury have in common? According to the following statement, taken from an official Roman Catholic source, these men are not proper priests, and as far as Rome is concerned, none of their successors will ever be either. “For us Catholics …READ MORE

Archbishop Annibale Bugnini: “Vatican Fall Guy”

It all went wrong I suspect for Annibale Bugnini when in 1975 he accidentally left his battered briefcase in a conference room in Rome. Further investigations by a Dominican Friar of the attache’s case and its ownership, revealed Masonic letters from secret societies in and …READ MORE

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: “Televisions First Preacher of Note”

Today we live, or try to exist, in the phoney world of televangelists; well some of us do anyway. And yes we have all seen Robert Schuller and been introduced to the new senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral (more about Bob Snr. later). Then there’s …READ MORE

Archbishop Paul Marcinkus: “The Pope’s Faithful Servant”

(Masonic codename was Marpa) The death in Phoenix, Arizona of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus aged 84, brings to a final close (well almost) of a disgraceful period in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. I suspect that some of his parishioners who knew him affectionately …READ MORE

Are We Near A Third Vatican Council?

It rather looks like the conservatives of the Constantine church have been neatly elbowed out of the coming synod, to be held in Rome, next year, by pope Francis. The new motto from this pope seems to read, “live better now and help often.” And, …READ MORE

Bishops of Rome

Throughout the centuries Rome has produced a multitude of murderers, mad, corruptible, heretical, incestuous, homosexual, fornicators, masonic, secret agents, teenage and even female popes, not to mention three popes all in office at the same time. Some Popes killed one another; others were found dead …READ MORE

Can Non-Catholics Be Saved If They Reject Jesus?

(In ‘submission’ to Pope John XXIII) “But Peter took him up, saying, stand up; I myself am also a man” (Acts 10:26) (World religions ‘unite’ in 1986) “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14) (Hindu priest at Fatima) (Pope Paul VI at a …READ MORE

Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac: “Murder From The Pulpit”

One of the most shameful acts committed during the last War was the purging of defenceless Serbs by the Croats in what was then Yugoslavia. With the fall of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941, Nazi troops marched and installed the Fascist party NDH, under …READ MORE

Cardinal Augustin Bea: “Because He Was A German”

This prominent Jesuit priest was born in the black forest in Germany in 1881. Later, of course, he would play a significant function in the constitution of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and of enforcing its decrees. (Interestingly some 2,381 Bishops made the trip to …READ MORE

Cardinal Basil Hume: “The Queen’s Cardinal”

Basil George Hume was born in 1923, the son of a heart surgeon and a pious French mother. Throughout his life, he would have a deep affection to the North East of England, with amongst other things, an active support for Newcastle Football Club. In …READ MORE

Cardinal Bernard Law: “A Law Unto Himself”

Disgraced cardinal Bernard Law died today in Rome aged 86 of undisclosed sources. Law escaped prosecution in America and remained protected in the secret Vatican state up until his death. He leaves thousands of victims previously preyed upon by pervert priests years ago in America. They sadly …READ MORE

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini: “There Are None So Blind That Cannot See”

The late cardinal was a member of the controversial Jesuit order, and always seen as an ally of the liberal factor of his church. Like so many theologians, when he referred to ‘the church,’ he meant the Catholic church of course. Any born again Christian …READ MORE

Cardinal Christopher Schoenborn: “Darwin’s Boy”

Cardinal Christopher Schoenborn is the current and rather popular leader of the Catholic church in Austria. Chosen by John Paul II to replace the disgraced Cardinal Groer, who was eventually removed over assorted sex charges, the young Christopher has moved steadily in the Vatican Crosscurrents …READ MORE

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor: “The Cardinal Who Mixed A Mean Martini” 

The death today (1/9/17) of Cormac Murphy-O’Connor still leaves a gaping hole of his weak and pathetic handling of the sordid case of priest Michael Hill in 1997 and will always be part of his damning legacy we suggest. We did argue at the time …READ MORE

Cardinal Francis Spellman: “The American Pope”

At the cardinal’s requiem mass, held at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, New York in 1967, where he reigned for nearly thirty years, the great and the powerful, as a testimony to his influence and affection, would with thousands of other mourners, pass by his raised coffin …READ MORE

Cardinal Franz Koenig: “The Vatican’s Kissinger”

     (Man in the centre – Mr. ‘fix it’) The death in March 2004 in Austria, of the ninety-six-year-old cardinal Franz Koenig (King) and former archbishop of Vienna, does offer some fruitful examination of his special role in the direction and destiny that the Roman …READ MORE

Cardinal George Pell: “The Convicted Cardinal Walks Free!”

Cardinal George Pell – the financial enforcer in the Vatican cauldron – has it seems some smouldering clerical enemies emerging out of the painted red woodwork in the curia corridors who, it’s claimed, are “out to ambush” this Aussie and muzzle him. Well, what a surprise! …READ MORE

Cardinal Hermann Groer: “The Cardinal Who Wouldn’t Or Couldn’t Say Sorry”

This disgraced Austrian cardinal was responsible for sexually abusing young boys and monks going back some thirty years or maybe longer. Groer, an ultra-conservative, had succeeded the charismatic liberal cardinal Koenig as Archbishop of Vienna in 1986. He was it seems the pope’s personal preference for …READ MORE

Cardinal Johannes Willebrands: “The Vatican’s Flying Dutchman”

Cardinal Willebrands was one of the few select European Catholic theologians that guided or scuppered, whatever your point of view is, the future course of the Catholic Church taken during that period known as Vatican II. As a protegee of the German Jesuit Cardinal Bea, …READ MORE

Cardinal John Cody: “Money Man”

The flamboyant cardinal of Chicago and once head of the richest archdiocese in the world was described by fellow clergy as “difficult and demanding,” with many petitioning Rome to “please have him removed.” But Rome didn’t! Both pope Paul VI and John Paul I tolerated his …READ MORE

Cardinal John Heenan: “Mission To Moscow”

The English Catholic church in the 20th century has strangely enough been directed by three men whose surnames all began with the letter H: Hindsley, Heenan and Hume. And all were all appointed by Rome at a time of great disruption in the Catholic church …READ MORE

Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty: “Mind Games”

Jozsef Mindszenty was born on the 29th March 1892 (it should be noted that his family name was actually Pehm.) In fact, the town he was born in was called Mindszent but for political reasons, during the war (1941) he changed his surname to that …READ MORE

Cardinal Jozef Glemp: “The Pole In The Middle”

Sandwiched between the charismatic cardinal Wyszynski and the late pope, Jozef Glemp had managed, just about, to exert some of his Polish personality. Under Wyszynski, he would serve as his private secretary for twelve years. And he would later, after the cardinal’s death, become his …READ MORE

Cardinal Keith O’Brien: “The Death of Scotland’s Disgraced Cardinal”

When pope Benedict announced his own surprise resignation, the same was repeated in Scotland, this time by cardinal Keith O’Brien, declaring that he too was throwing in the clerical towel. All very strange and all to be expected in these apostate end times that we are living through. …READ MORE

Cardinal Leo Jozef Suenens: “The Prelate That Spoke In Tongues”

Leo Suenens certainly was the Vatican’s poster boy of the 1960s, and with much of the Second Vatican Council’s credit or discredit down to his personal promotion of a left-wing agenda, we have decided to include him in our series on infamous Prelates. The Belgium Cardinal …READ MORE

Cardinal Ratzinger Is Pope Benedict XVI

The surprise papal election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to become pope, did indeed take me and other experienced Vatican watchers, rather by surprise. (Not my son, James, however, who had been predicting the rising star of this German Cardinal for some weeks.) I had long …READ MORE

Cardinal Roger Mahony: “The Teflon Cardinal”

UPDATE: FEBRUARY 2013 The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has announced that cardinal Mahony has been dramatically “stripped of all parish and administration and public duties.” Archbishop Gomez, the present leader of the diocese, said that after reading many of the sealed reports, “that they made brutal …READ MORE

Cardinal Siri: “The Pope Who Never Was! But Why?”

Nothing of what emerged from the orchestrated second Jesuit Vatican Council in 1960-1963 should surprise or shock us at all. However, the papal election held in 1958 certainly raises some questions about “Alice in Wonderland” behaviour and quirks that emanated from Rome in the fall …READ MORE

Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz: “The Cardinal Who Defied The Pope”

The first inept thing about him is, I suspect, the saying of his name, which is pronounced “Geevish.” I know it doesn’t sound like that, but that’s Polish names for you, always arduous to get your tongue around, aren’t they? The other interesting thing is, …READ MORE

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski: “The Pole Who Didn’t Make Pope”

Poor Stefan Wyszynski will, I suppose, always be remembered as the bridesmaid and never the bride. Or in other words, Wojtyla made Pope but Wyszynski didn’t. And yet at one crucial moment in the 1958 papal Conclave, Stefan really thought he was in with a …READ MORE

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone: “Gone And Forgotten”

So who was is he and how did he land the number two slot in the Vatican? Well, it seems he was an old clerical buddy of Joseph Ratzinger, going back to when they both worked and patrolled the dark corridors of “The Doctrinal Congregation …READ MORE

Cardinal Theodor Innitzer: “The Heil Hitler Cardinal”

Both Theodore Innitzer and former UN Secretary-General, Kurt Waldheim, remain two of Austria’s most dubious loyal sons. (Unless you include Hitler as well). Both men were active in the late 1930s in Austrian politics that then leaned heavily towards fascism and its fluctuating local agenda. …READ MORE

Cardinal Thomas Winning: “The Cardinal In The Car”

Before I was saved, I had the opportunity of choosing a guest speaker to give the annual Charles John Cobb Memorial Lecture.  I wrote to the Scottish Cardinal, Thomas Winning, inviting him to come to South London and deliver the lecture on any subject of his …READ MORE

Cardinals Casaroli And Sodano: “Two of A Kind”

(Sodano left, Casaroli right) Both priests today would be called ‘career diplomats,’ and each would serve in the Vatican Secretariat of State. Established in 1487 this ecclesiastical administration has continued to influence religious/political decisions by the Vatican. Today over 163 countries have diplomatic relations with …READ MORE

Catholic Bible Haters And Deceived Drunks

By the time this goes out, we will be just under three weeks away from witnessing only the 2nd ever visit by the bishop of Rome to the United Kingdom. Joseph Ratzinger will enjoy a four-day state visit, with an estimated cost to the taxpayer well …READ MORE

Celibacy: “Rome’s Bizarre and Unscriptural Hypocrisy!”

(Pope John Paul II, enjoying playtime with a young boy, while the woman looks on) Thomas Aquinas once said of Peter the apostle: “Jesus did not separate Peter from his wife because he did not wish to sever the bond of matrimony which was of God’s …READ MORE

Charles Davis: “England’s Forgotten Theologian”

You know coincidence is a funny thing, isn’t it? Some days ago whilst researching a future article on Cardinal Mindszenty, I came across Charles Davis’ little paperback Question of Conscience. I quickly skimmed through its fading pages and passed it on to my son James, for …READ MORE

De-Baptizing Catholics & Abortion On Demand

Baptizing The Dead The disturbing Mormon practice of proxy baptism, which in our opinion is just as offensive as the Catholic pursuit of purgatory, reared its ugly head again last week in the media. It seems the Mormons baptized the parents of the late Simon …READ MORE

Did The Vatican Butler Do it?

The strange affairs of the Vatican butler, Paolo Gabriele, seems to rumble on, causing even more confusion. Paolo, now aged 46, had been incarcerated in the Vatican prison, awaiting his fate. But he has now been released and the charges are being prepared against him, …READ MORE

Fabricated Documents

Over the centuries the Catholic church has forged numerous documents, ranging from letters written by Augustine, the Apostles Creed, the Immaculate Conception, to the so-called “apostolic writings” by Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas (O. C. Lambert, Catholicism Against Itself, 1956, p. 54-68). (Lambert lists …READ MORE

Fatima Fanaticism

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God” (Ex. 20:4-5) With October officially being ‘the month of Mary’ in the catholic church’s pagan …READ MORE

First Jesuit Pope Takes Control of The Vatican

With three failed attempts already behind them and under the so-called ‘guidance’ of the Holy Spirit, these ‘princes’ of the Catholic church still couldn’t agree as to who they wanted to replace Benedict XVI At first it looked as though the fourth vote would fail …READ MORE

Freemasonry And The Vatican

“We wish it to be your rule, first of all, to tear away the mask of Freemasonry…let no man think that he may for any reason whatsoever join the Masonic sect if he values his Catholic name and his eternal salvation” (Pope Leo XIII, Humanum …READ MORE

Good Pope John (Now ‘Saint’ John XXIII): “The Beginning Of The End”

(Suspicious hand movements. Some claim it has masonic connotations – Is. 5:20) With the turn of the 20th century, the Roman catholic church was about to undergo one of the most “diabolical” and deceptive changes, ever known to its millions of “faithful” followers, and this caretaker …READ MORE

Homosexuality And Catholicism

The following statement is taken directly from the Catholic church’s official catechism for 1994: “They do not chose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in …READ MORE


In the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible, a deliberate mistranslation of “Repent and Believe the Gospel” is perverted to read “Do Penance.” (Note: in the NASV, this has been correctly retranslated to “Repent and Believe the Gospel.” Interestingly, however, is the fact that the Catholic Church owns …READ MORE

Infallibility Or Papal Insanity

“And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, …READ MORE

Islam, Catholicism And Communism

The New Year and also a new decade, not only heralded the much anticipated 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, but we also watched severe and totally unexpected floods batter Australia, Sri Lanka and Brazil, resulting in many fatalities; dead birds falling out of …READ MORE

Just Call Me Father

The debate concerning titles of clerics in the Church of Rome and in certain areas of Protestantism, is an interesting one, for according to the Catholic Church, only in recent years did the title “Father” come into being, for ordinary parish priests. This is another …READ MORE

Karl Keating: “Defender of the Catholic church”

Karl Keating is a lawyer turned full-time catholic apologist for the diocese of Los Angeles, California, and is one of the brightest stars that the catholic church in America has at its disposal. Keating, I am reliably informed, only agrees to debate selected speakers, on the condition that …READ MORE

Knights Of Columbus Providing Up To $100m In Coronavirus Aid To Churches Struggling With Donations

Catholic freemasonry is something few know much about. Most are aware of protestant freemasonry but Rome has successfully kept their version of freemasonry mainly hush, hush with very little information being made public! The Knights of Columbus and Knights of Malta, not to mention the …READ MORE

La Muerte De Fidel Castro: ¡El ídolo del catolicismo ha caído!

(ya no se ríe) Con la desaparición de Fidel Castro, quien llevaba el sobrenombre de “asesino en serie cubano”, sospecho que incluso más crímenes contra la humanidad en dicho empobrecido país saldrán finalmente a la luz. Eso sin duda alguna. En el momento de la …READ MORE

Limbo: “Closed For Business”

First things first – “limbo” is not a biblical word or concept, so it would be only fair to allow the Catholic church to state what this infamous word means to them, taken from an official publication, with the Vatican’s official imprimatur: “The Latin word …READ MORE

Malachi Martin: “Heretic or Hero”?

“For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 2:7). Coincidence is a funny thing, isn’t it? When I first began researching this new article for the …READ MORE

One Pope Resigns, Another To Replace Him

“And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18) As of writing this, I am sure everyone will be aware of pope Benedict’s shock resignation (something that hasn’t occurred for a sitting pope in over 600 years) followed shortly …READ MORE

Opus Dei: “God’s Work”

(Lavish upmarket HQ) The recent and I would say unhealthy, interest in Opus Dei (or Octopus Dei as it is sometimes known,) is due I suspect, to its political and financial tentacles that extend into many dark corners of this fallen world, does fortunately offer …READ MORE

Pope Benedict Begins His Reign

A famous writer and I cannot recall his name, once said of the Catholic religion that, “the only thing wrong with a Catholic is his church.” How true. So many Catholics who I once knew and thought of as friends would now cross the street …READ MORE

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions, Saying: ‘Homosexuals Are Children Of God And Have The Right To Be In A Family’

So, this article will come as absolutely no surprise whatsoever to acute Vatican watchers, and yet once again the pope and his ‘church’ not only sell out what little love and knowledge they once had for truth and decency but as always, this humanist pope …READ MORE

Pope Francis: “New Face. No Change”

With the surprise election in Rome of the new pope very little will change, it is being suggested. On the other hand, the new man (Francis and not Peter II) could be a closet liberal, with reforming plans for his church, rather like John XXIII …READ MORE

Pope Joan: “The She Pope”

For years the popular religious rumour – true or false – has circulated that a woman (shock and horror!) had once alighted on the so-called “throne of Peter.” Well it certainly wasn’t Simon Peter’s throne, of course. Peter never made it to Rome, and in …READ MORE

Pope’s Shameful Trip To The Holy Land, ‘Dedicated’ To Mary

Late May saw the disgraceful Vatican PR caravan arrive in the Holy Land (at the exact time a minor earthquake struck Israel) with their desire, no doubt, to purchase and grab all it can in Israel and beyond, including the so-called Upper Room, famed for the Last …READ MORE

Pre-Vatican II: A Personal Memory (50 Years On)

(Getting ready to serve mass) In 1964 I was living in Purely, Surrey. In those days Purely was a very middle-class area and proud of it. My parish church was the Catholic church of St. John the Baptist. I had, in fact, had a very early …READ MORE

Purgatory: “Praying (‘Paying’) For The Dead”

Tragically, in recent times purgatory has become more well known and accepted among catholics than Hell. The latter is very much a horrifying Biblical reality for those who die without receiving Christ as their own personal Saviour, and the former is just sheer pagan nonsense. …READ MORE

Quick Facts On Catholicism

(“The priesthood EVOLVED” (Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol. XII, p. 406, 415) The following sources are taken directly from official Catholic publications, which prove conclusively, not only how Rome evolved over many centuries, but how much of what she teaches as being dogma wasn’t always so: “The …READ MORE

Ratzinger Remembers Sophie Scholl And The White Rose

At the end of his four-day trip to Poland, Pope Benedict XVI paid a third visit to Auschwitz Concentration Camp (first time as pope, however). On arrival, flanked by his scarlet-robed entourage and muscled suited minders (very dramatic!), he walked beneath the wrought iron gates …READ MORE

Roberto Calvi: “Murder, Mafia, Masonic And Vatican Cover-ups”

(Roberto Calvi before his suspicious death in London) Please click here to see our video of where Calvi was found hanging This title, for some, has all the hallmarks of an action-packed Hollywood blockbuster movie. However stranger things have happened, for if one has ever …READ MORE

Rome On Evolution

With the level of apostasy deepening by the day, it will come as absolutely no surprise at all, that the Catholic church believes that God used evolution to create the earth. This unbiblical belief is dubbed theistic evolution. The following three quotes sum up what …READ MORE

Rome: “A Unique City”

Since its conception and evolution, some sixteen hundred years ago or so, as the head of today’s Catholic church, Roman Catholicism has successfully evolved into a political, financial and very lucrative religious organisation; for there is no system on earth like it. Some people forget, …READ MORE

Rome’s Long War On The Bible And God’s People

 It’s long been my belief that the church of Rome reluctantly gives the Bible mere lip service, and if the truth were known, are more than capable to function and exist without the word of God. “The Church, then, affirms that all Scripture is the word of …READ MORE

Sex Crimes And The Vatican

The following article is a brief write up of a horrific BBC Panorama programme concerning the endemic problem of paedophilia in the Catholic church in Ireland and the subsequent cover-ups, directed and orchestrated from Rome, under orders of the Joseph Ratzinger. 1. A “Father” Sean Fortune …READ MORE

Tainted Tradition

One of the reasons why former Catholics that are now saved, become such staunch defenders of the word of God, when it comes to being our final authority, is mainly down to the fact that for so many years, we were told how “holy mother …READ MORE

The “Pope Peter” Fraud

  Please also see James’ video on the ‘Pope Peter’ Fraud  Introduction Before I examine the issue of Peter being the alleged ‘first pope,’ faithful students of Scripture and church history should be encouraged to ask why would a certain “ecclesiastical party” want anyone to …READ MORE

The Blasphemy of The Mass

The Church of England, in their 39 Articles of Faith, once held to the following, concerning the mass: “A blasphemous fable and a dangerous deceit” (No. 31) When sharing with catholics the wonderful news about the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the …READ MORE

The Catholic Inquisition: “A Medieval Holocaust!”

(Just one of their many victims) After the Second World War, political prisoners (such as the Poles who suffered terribly in Auschwitz) would often comment, “If the Nazis didn’t kill you, then the ‘liberating’ Russians did,” for many Polish women were brutally raped and subsequently …READ MORE

The Cursed Broken Cross

Since Pope Paul VI, the following infamous cross has been paraded around and according to come church historians, actually represents the mark of the beast. (Pope Paul VI)                 (Pope John Paul I) (Pope John Paul II)                     (Pope Benedict XVI) One day Christ will …READ MORE

The Death of Fidel Castro: “Catholicism’s Fallen Idol!”

(He’s not laughing now) With the demise of Fidel Castro, nicknamed “Cuba’s serial killer,” I suspect that even more crimes against humanity in that impoverished country will finally be revealed. There can be no doubt about it. As of writing this, people are literally dancing …READ MORE

The Death of Pope John Paul II

Why are three American Presidents kneeling down, next to a dead coffin? Surely, such busy people wouldn’t have time to attend such a ‘religious’ event? Who is the real power/leader of the world here? Amazingly, Tony Blair and his wife weren’t there, at least not …READ MORE

The Hoax of The Eucharist

  Introduction At the very heart of Roman Catholicism is the mass. For catholics worldwide, this is ‘sacred ground’ so woe be to anybody who dares come along and query its legitimacy on Biblical grounds (2 Tim. 2:15). For my part, I only consider it …READ MORE

The Immaculate Conception (“Deception”)

The month of May-for those that do not know-is the month of Mary in the catholic church’s calendar. As too is October, so it seemed rather appropriate to focus this month’s newsletter on Rome’s “first lady,” and then examine her in light of Scripture. When …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 1: “Doctors of Deception And Disguise”

(Danger: Men at ‘work’) I suspect that the Jesuits are rather akin to the Roman catholic churches’ dedicated loyal Jihadists, and unlike the present Islamists who clutch the Koran for substance as they wade into battle, the Jesuits follow the teachings of ‘General’ Ignatius Loyola …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 2: “The Curse of Jekyll Island”

(Barren-looking marshland at Jekyll Island)  The unexplained performance of young Francis Browne aboard the RMS Titanic’s maiden voyage is very perplexing and will probably never be explained. But I suggest that he was doing much more than snapping black-and-white Kodak pictures. Remember their advertising slogan …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 3: “Enter The Count”

(Jesuit superior general count Halke Von Ledochowski) As regards the Jesuits and their founding, after numerous false starts and some disruptions, the Society of Jesus was finally constituted on Assumption Day in 1534 at the chapel of Notre Dame de Montmartre. Now the designed Jesuit …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 4: The Count And The Castle

By 1939 the Jesuit influence had now taken a firm foundation in most of occupied Europe, and at the war’s end ,it had not been breached. In Spain, the catholic church hierarchy had quickly recognised the fascist Franco regime (no surprise there) 20 months before …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 5: “Their Hidden Role In Secret Societies”

(Reported skull of Ignatius Loyola or Francis Borgia) No study or scrutiny of the Jesuit journal of jostling in the catholic church can exclude the introduction of the infamous Illuminati (and yes, we have all heard of them, haven’t we? some claim it derives from …READ MORE

The Jesuits, Part 6: “Two Disgraced Jesuits – Pedro Arrupe and Teilhard de Chardin”

(Pedro Arrupe on left, Teilhard de Chardin on right) In this concluding series from Ex-Catholics for Christ on the role of the Jesuits in shaping society and covertly influencing the lives of millions of their own catholics, there are some lingering issues concerning these men …READ MORE

The Jewish Peril And The Catholic Church

We at this ministry are quite content to share this historical and rare document with you, the reader, for to do otherwise would be at best negligent and at worst sinful (Eph. 5:11-14). However, we must make two provisions. First, we are not anti-Semitic in …READ MORE

The Late Pope’s Stolen Blood

The recent news item about the late pope’s ‘blood sample being stolen from a church in Italy’ is actually laughable. The Catholic church has for centuries glorified in the use of bones, skins and yes even blood. Some years ago we protested outside a church …READ MORE

The Myth of Medjugorje

(Empty and just the way we like it) If you’re going to get into the miracle business or hope to do so, then DON’T journey to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Just delay your trip. Because in the last 25 years, according to five or six local …READ MORE

The Pope’s Sinister Agenda

(The Vatican’s eerie curtains resemble an Illuminati pyramid) Now that the Argentinian Jesuit, cardinal Bergoglio, aka pope Francis, has had time to get his feet under the desk (and not sporting those red Dorothy slippers but some old-fashioned brogues instead), a certain confusion seems to …READ MORE

The Trumps Kneel And Pray At Catholic Shrine of Pope John Paul II

One would expect Biden or Pelosi to kneel at a Catholic shrine in honour of Pope John Paul II and ask to be photographed in order to win votes from Catholics, but sadly Trump who according to Paula White and other apostate evangelicals is born …READ MORE

The Year of Three Popes

Paul VI Even though he enjoys the title Christ’s ‘infallible vicar,’ yet on his deathbed, he requests prayers for his soul (Pontiff, p. 111.) The same can also be said of John Paul II, while in Poland in 2002, he passionately asked millions of his …READ MORE

Total Submission: “Three American Presidents Kneel To Pope!”

(Three American Presidents kneel at the corpse of the late John Paul II) Throughout Rome’s long and bloody history, the one thing that she has always and consistently demanded of the world is total submission, no matter what. “Pope Gregory was the first who claimed, …READ MORE

Two “Saints” For The Price Of One

    This past weekend in Vatican City, the present incumbent pope completed a week-long “fest” for the so-called “canonisation” of two previous popes: Angelo Roncalli and Karol Wojtyla, aka, John XXIII and John Paul II, respectively. John XXIII has long been referred to as “good,” …READ MORE

Two Popes Made ‘Saints’

It was announced that in October the Vatican will create two new ‘saints’ for their church. John Paul II and John XXIII will become ‘saints’ but only for Roman Catholics of course. The born again Christian automatically becomes a saint of God the moment he/she …READ MORE

Vatican Assassins

One thing is quite certain: there is no absolute truth outside of the Holy Bible. The material that makes up this article is taken from Eric Jon Phelps’ book and DVD, Vatican Assassins. Mr. Phelps’ exhaustive study covers a very wide range of subjects, from …READ MORE

Vatican Finance$

According to the London Guardian, dated 25 January 2013, the Vatican in London is concealing hidden millions of pounds in lucrative property. In fact, the Vatican international portfolio emanating from Luxemburg/Switzerland seems to be thriving in Europe. In London alone, upmarket jewellers and prestigious investment …READ MORE

When The Antichrist (Pope) Arrived in Britain

(Queen shamefully tilts her head in submission to the pope) Anyone who lives in the UK and has a television, radio or Internet access, cannot possibly have escaped the amount of reverential and way over the top, press coverage that the pope’s visit has generated …READ MORE

Whistleblower Claims Chinese Communists Pay Vatican $2 Billion In Bribes

China in recent years has become so powerful and prestigious that few are able to stand up to her and challenge her. Her image in the west is mostly polished and positive, yet for those that have successfully escaped her communist trap and gone on …READ MORE