Theology and General Interest

Theology and General Interest

68 Old Testament Prophecies For Jesus

PROPHESIED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT FULFILLED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT As the Son of God (Ps. 2:7) Luke 1:32, 35 As the Seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15) Gal. 4:4 As the Seed of Abraham (Gen.17:7; 22:18) Gal. 3:16 As the Seed of Isaac (Gen. …READ MORE

Christ Is Not Copyrighted

“Scott Hahn had me convinced 20 years ago to join the Catholic Church. I need to know what to believe. I was a Protestant minister for the A/G church for 40 years. I have been to mass 3 times a week for 8 months. Now …READ MORE

Charles John Cobb: “A First World War Christian Conscientious Objector”

The following is a tragic account of the last few weeks on the release of Charles John Cobb. This is from The Tribunal, dated March 27th 1919. Charles John Cobb of Croydon, who was arrested on August 31, 1915, and served five terms of imprisonment …READ MORE

Freud, Marx, And Darwin: “The Devil’s Dangerous Deceivers”

So much of the moral mess proposed and promoted by the three men above is still widely scattered around us in the 21st century and still permeating the halls of debate and “revolutionary ideas” in assorted academic, media, medical, and political circles. Unfortunately, the same …READ MORE

Great Britain Has Fallen: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” (Ps. 33:12)

Introduction Since the ‘Witchcraft Act’ was repealed in 1951, by the then Conservative Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, Britain’s two-thousand-year-old Christian heritage has subsequently receded, and now has almost collapsed! (It should be pointed out that Churchill was not only a high-degree freemason – Studholme Lodge, …READ MORE

Rare King James Bible From World War I

A friend of the ministry found this very interesting King James Bible from 1914 while visiting a local charity shop in his town. Inside was a fascinating handwritten note to British soldiers soon to be dispatched to France and Belgium at the start of World …READ MORE

Should A Bible-Believer Attend a Funeral of A Lost Person?

One of the hardest decisions a saved person will ever have to make is whether or not to go to the funeral of an unsaved relative or friend in an apostate church. This month saw the sudden and tragic death of a sibling to one …READ MORE

Serial Killers Repent And Get Saved

Former Pol Pot high executioner Kaing (Duch) Eav was sentenced to 39 years in jail for committing thousands of murders and rapes against his fellow countrymen and women. But it seems the 69-year-old now turned born-again Christian, requested to be “stoned to death” for his numerous crimes. …READ MORE

Soldier Outside The Palace

Picture yourself as a foot soldier posted outside Buckingham Palace, London where you’ve been stationed for 15 long years. Each day you stand to attention and proudly salute her Majesty the Queen whenever her official car arrives or exits the Palace. You know of the Queen …READ MORE

The Fairytale of Evolution

(Richard Leakey’s series of stooping hominids which never existed but is promoted as ‘fact’ nonetheless) Sir Ambrose J. Flemming: “Evolution is baseless and quite incredible.” Sir William Dawson: “Evolution is utterly destitute of proof.” Sir Fred Hoyle: “As a young student I was brainwashed into …READ MORE

The One True Church

The Body of Christ is a worldwide living organism, not a local church or a sole denomination. The term body of Christ and the Church is, in essence, the same thing. The Apostle Paul said the following: “For as the body is ONE, and hath …READ MORE

The Imperativeness of Street Evangelism

Making videos, writing articles, and even planning trips away are all necessary and certainly well-received among the saved, but sharing the pure and undiluted gospel of Christ, with an unsaved party, face-to-face is absolutely priceless.…READ MORE

The Problem of False Worship

Al-Qaeda would have all Muslims believe that it is their sacred duty to murder all non-Muslims, by crashing aeroplanes into crowded buildings, or blowing people up in various parts of the globe; this is called Jihad. This they do in the name of organised religion. …READ MORE

Princess ‘Madeline’ Noor: “The Spy Princess Remembered”

I first came across the courageous story of Princess Noor when I stumbled across the book The Spy Princess, by Mrs Shrabni Basu, so much so that after reading it I was moved to compose a short selection of music, illustrating her short life. Today …READ MORE

Why The Church Fathers Weren’t Infallible

The Church’s “fathers” or “babies” as Luther called them, quoted the gospels 19,368 times (Rev. H.S. Miller, Biblical Introductions, 1937, pp. 259-260). In The Canon Papias not only stated that John the Elder wrote the Book of Revelation (Daniel Theron, Evidence of Tradition, 1958, pgs. …READ MORE

Wicked Works: “Faith Alone For Salvation”

At last count, I believe I must have made around 40 videos or so, directly and indirectly, dealing specifically with the absolute and fundamental Biblical truth, how man is saved totally from all his past, present and future sins, simply by believing in the Lord …READ MORE