Good Pope John (Now ‘Saint’ John XXIII): “The Beginning Of The End”

Good Pope John (Now ‘Saint’ John XXIII): “The Beginning Of The End”

(Suspicious hand movements. Some claim it has masonic connotations – Is. 5:20)

With the turn of the 20th century, the Roman catholic church was about to undergo one of the most “diabolical” and deceptive changes, ever known to its millions of “faithful” followers, and this caretaker pope from Venice, Angelo Roncalli, would personally spearhead it.

Yet in 1928, Pius XI had issued an encyclical Mortalium Animos, in which he forbade any catholic participation in reunion movements, such as “faith and order.”

Intriguingly, was the fact that “good” pope John (a term he adopted overnight) was quickly adored throughout the secular world. (One should always be concerned when the world speaks well of you!)

In William Purcell’s official portrait of the archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher, he offers two accounts of how pope John was being perceived, with the first from Fisher himself:

“It was quite obvious to the world that Pope John was a different kind of Pope, whom I should like to meet, and could meet, on grounds of Christian brotherhood without any kind of ecclesiastical compromise on either side” (Fisher of Lambeth, p. 273).

(Incidentally, it should be pointed out that Fisher was, whilst archbishop of Canterbury, a Freemason, being the Grand Chaplain for the United Grand Lodge of England. I know of another former archbishop of Canterbury whose grandson told me he is a mason, but I have been unable to confirm this).

(Fellow Mason, US President Truman, gives Fisher a masonic handshake – Jn. 18:20)

And the second is from one of Britain’s tabloid newspapers:

“Pope John was a popular figure, and the Sunday Express made the most of it. One Christmas the paper stressed the fact that the Pope had visited a prison in Rome and went on to say it was a pity the Archbishop of Canterbury didn’t match up to this pattern” (Fisher of Lambeth, p. 253).

(On their knees?!? Rev. 19:10)

For those who loved the old Latin Tridentine mass, in which the priest would turn his back on the congregation (in more ways than one) and utter his mumbo-jumbo ritual (Latin only really been understood by the intellectuals), what Roncalli had initiated and would later be fulfilled under Paul VI, was nothing short of “treason.” And to this day a small sect of catholic fundamentalists, with their own “private pope” (Pius XIII) continue to defy the mainstream catholic community, and hope and pray for their beloved church to return to them the way it once was.

This 180-degree transformation wasn’t lost on E.E.Y. Hayes:

“No four years of Papal history have seen such major policy changes as Pope John made. During his short reign, he reversed both the international and the Italian policy of the Papacy. It may be true that he had no blueprint for the reform of the Church; he left that to the Council, after showing the bishops where to look for it” (Pope John and his Revolution)

Another issue, which continues to cause concern both to traditional catholics and Bible-believing Christians, but for completely different reasons, is the evil and apostate ecumenical movement. What was left of genuine protestant churches in the 20th century, would soon be forever lost, once they decided to get in bed with the whore of Rome. Since that dangerous council of the 1960s, Christendom would never again be the same, and this is something that Protestants and “real” catholics will always see eye-to-eye on.

(“And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.

But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man” – Acts 10:25,26)

Geoffrey Fisher shared his own personal feelings about the changing attitudes in Christendom:

“I grew up, he said, with an inbred opposition to anything that came from Rome. I objected to this doctrine; I objected to their methods of reasoning; I objected to their methods of operation in this country [doesn’t elaborate what this means.] So I grew up, and I saw no reason for differing from that opinion as the years went by [notice that he made the compromise, not them.] When I became Archbishop, I had many connections with them. One of the first things I did was to call together representatives of the Church of Rome to discuss how contact with them might be maintained in the future.” (Fisher of Lambeth, 1969, p. 271).

(More pagan symbols on his glove – 2 Kings. 23:5)

Aleister Crowley’s son, Amado wrote in his book The Secrets of Aleister Crowley how Roncalli had met his father during the Second World War in England:

“Crowley took the hand in one of his and, instead of raising it to his lips, he studied the ring like a jeweller. Then he produced his other hand from behind his back. On his finger there gleamed an even bigger and more impressive ring. He gazes straight into the bishop’s eyes. ‘Swap?’ he suggested roguishly.

The Bishop laughed and even clapped his hands together in applause. ‘So then it is true, Mr. Crowley: you are a joker!’ ‘In my games, My Lord, a very important card.

But being so other-worldly, you may not have realised.’ With that, rather impudently, Aleister bestowed an occult blessing. The bishop’s face was wreathed in a huge smile as he clapped his hands on my father’s shoulders. ‘Oh, Mr. Crowley,’ he mussed with a slight sigh. ‘I think you would be surprised at how much I do realise.’

To everyone’s shock, he bestowed a different occult blessing on the speechless magician and embraced him. This may bewilder readers today as much as it bewildered us then. The Bishop’s name was Angelo Roncalli….on his pectoral cross he even bore the sign of the Illuminati – the all-seeing eye in the corner of the triangle” (p. 122).

(“And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne,

and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying,

It is the voice of a god, and not of a man” – Acts 12:21-23)

It appears this ecumenical contamination was also spreading in England too, for, in Mr. Purcell’s book, he had the following, ecumenical quote:

“During the past fifty years, the Church of England has increasingly come into friendly relationship with many other churches. Among them have been the Church of Scotland and the Free Churches of Europe and the Orthodox and other Eastern Churches, with whom there is a long tradition of friendship. All these Churches are members of the World Council of Churches, whose Central Committee met at St. Andrews this summer. At this meeting, there were observers from the Roman Catholic Church” (p. 269.)

(“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,

or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,

shewing himself that he is God” – 2 Thess. 2:4)

For anybody who has ever taken an interest in Vatican affairs, like Vatican II and what came out from it, was nothing short of total “vandalism,” from what it had been for a thousand years –the so-called one true church” -to now being a weak, left-wing, multi-religious church, with no “absolute truth anymore!” (Of course, it was always a false church, since its conception in the 4th century.)

It is my view that catholic writers and others were quite right and understandably concerned at the way in which the one-world government now seemed to have taken control of most of Christendom, during John XXIII’s time in office. (Again this masonic take-over only affected apostate Christendom, not the true body of Christ.)

However, the controversial catholic writer, Peter De Rosa didn’t seem concerned, when he offered the following on this pope:

“John, in my view, was a man of marvellous detachment. He was Christ’s apprentice [interesting masonic word], full of mercy and love. He died too soon” (Vicars of Christ, p. 612).

For those who don’t know much about groups such as the Illuminati and secret societies in general, their main ambition and determination is to amalgamate all of the worlds religions and governments, take over the papacy and let their own man, a puppet pope, lead this Babylonian creation by taking his orders from the Illuminati and other interested ‘parties.’

I remember speaking to a well-known evangelist once about the word of faith movement and what his thoughts were on Benny Hinn, whether he was saved or not. And he responded by saying that most of them started off okay, but somewhere along the way, it all went wrong. Roncalli, on the other hand, is a different bowl of spaghetti, for he was born and baptised a catholic, and quickly worked up the ecclesiastical ladder. My own view on him is limited, for little is known of him before his alleged initiation into the Rosicrucians in 1935, while he was apostolic delegate to Istanbul.

We also learn from sister Pascalina, the Bavarian housekeeper and close confidant to Pius XII, the following about Roncalli’s alleged masonic interests too:

“She [Pascalina] had learned of a major scandal involving the Knights of Malta, the Holy See’s influential laymen’s organisation, and was determined that the Pope [Pius XII] clean house of the cardinals and others who were running the secret society [Knights of Malta] and turning it into an international money-making racket. Pius was slow to move against the Knights of Malta because several of the Holy See’s leading prelates were involved, including Nicola Cardinal Canali, one of the most powerful members of Sacred College, Bishop Angelo Roncalli, and their other close friend Cardinal Spellman” (La Popessa, p. 331, 332, 1983.)

The following quote, accepted by some writers as being authentic and by others as being a fraud, is offered nonetheless to allow you, the reader, the chance to read what many purport to be the type of initiation, Roncalli would have gone through, with my thoughts inserted into brackets:

“What followed may have been a dream, or so it appeared to have been when daylight came. But there in the quiet room, Roncalli distinctly heard the old man [he is never identified] ask: ‘Do you recognise me?’ And without knowing what prompted him Roncalli answered: ‘I do. Always.’ His visitor went on: ‘I came because you called me [perhaps a closet Satanist already.] You are on the way, though you still have much to learn. But are you ready?’ Roncalli never experienced the slightest doubt. It had all been prepared for him. He said: ‘I wait for you, Master.’ The old man smiled and asked, three times [symbolic of Peter denying Jesus three times] if Roncalli would recognise him again; and Roncalli never answered, three times [again symbolic of Jesus asking Peter if he loved him three times, meaning absolute loyalty], that he would. Even the coming of the morning did not make the experience seem unusual. It would, Roncalli knew, be repeated, and in a way that gives it no ordinary meaning. He knew that time had come when he found the same old man waiting outside his lodgings; and he also felt that a more familiar situation had developed, which caused Roncalli to ask if he would join him at the table. The old man shook his head. ‘It is at another table we must dine tonight’… He [the old man] put a white-gloved hand on Roncalli’s should. ‘Kneel down, on your right knee.'”

(Roncalli gets his red biretta from the socialist French President, Vincent Auriol.

This is most unusual – John 15:19)

This lengthy and abridged account may go some way in painting a picture of what Roncalli was now part of and how the Illuminati, finally had their man (one of many) in the catholic church. With so many high-level sleepers now infiltrating this apostate church, it was only a matter of time before their man would be pope.

It is also interesting and not coincidental, that in Purcell’s book, he mentions Fisher also making a ‘trip’ to Istanbul (he visited other countries at the same time too), where he gave a press conference, before going on to meet the pope (p. 269).

It is my view that Fisher’s trip to this Islamic country is much more than just symbolic, but more to the point, was Fisher also initiated there, before heading off to meet his “Masonic” friend and discuss how they and others would create the world’s first one-world religion, since Gen. 11?

Reading through William Purcell’s informative biography of Fisher, it is intriguing to note how the senior members of the Vatican treated Geoffrey Fisher, by laying down draconian terms and conditions before Fisher and Roncalli could meet:

(1) There shall be no official photograph of me with the pope. To make sure of this, Tardini [Secretary of State] had sent away the official photographer on a fortnight’s holiday. So that was off. It had never occurred to me that there would or would not be official photographs; but he Tardini, obviously thought it was important.

(2) It was stated that I should not see cardinal Bea, the head of the department recently set up by the pope to foster relations with other churches. ‘This sounded a preposterous thing,’ but there it was.

(3) There was to be no kind of press release after my meeting with the pope. That was a little odd, as I had already drafted one; (4) The Minister was not to invite to meet me at meals at his house any of the Vatican Officials…Millions of Christians would be delighted to see a photograph of these two great figures together. But that, unfortunately, was not to be” (p. 281-2).

All this sounds like the old KGB trying to control everything and everyone. Fisher, being a good old Oxford University boy, does as he is told.

(The queen in ‘submission’ to the pope, by wearing black.

She once commented, how Heaven would be somewhat of a come down for her!

The first will be last, and last will be first – Matt 20:16)

(Fisher credited the pope for giving him a medal;

perhaps the one on the right-hand side? Ecc. 1:14)

Also interesting to note is how John XXIII didn’t credit the Holy Spirit for his ecumenical council, but cardinal Tardini, Secretary of State!

One of the main conspirators involved in Vatican II was the archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Battista Montini, who would go on to replace him as the next pope.

With the death of Roncalli, one Charles Riandey, ‘Sovereign Grand Master’ of secret societies, had the following to say, of the passing of his good friend:

“To the memory of Angelo Roncalli, priest, Archbishop of Messamaris, Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, Cardinal of the Roman Church, Patriarch of Venice, Pope under the name of John XXIII, who has deigned to give us his benediction, his understanding, and his protection.”

What an interesting tribute given from one mason to another!


So with the ecumenical road show now seemingly unstoppable, Geoffrey Fisher’s account with Angelo Roncalli should be ringing in the ears of Bible-believing Christians:

“There are two parts of it that remain in my mind. One is, that at one point he said: I should like to read to you a passage from an address I recently gave. He read, in English, a passage which included a reference to the time when our separated brethren should return to the Mother Church. I at once said: Your Holiness, not return. He looked puzzled and said, Not return? Why not? I said: None of us can go backwards. We are each now running on parallel courses; we are looking forward, until in God’s good time, our two courses approximate and meet. He said, after a moments pause, You are right. From that moment, as far as I know, he and the Vatican never talked about our returning to a past situation, and looking backwards for our objection” (Fisher in Lambeth, p. 283.)

(No pope has ever been able to publicly heal anybody. This being

further evidence that the church of Rome is not apostolic. Matt. 23:28)

Finally, the only thing I would say is this: when man forsakes truth for unity, they forsake truth; for unity without truth isn’t worth the unity that one has.


On the 27th April 2014, Angelo Roncalli was made a “saint,” alongside Karol Wojtyla. Now catholics around the world will be able to pray to this man and seek his intercession to their everyday woes and needs. He, of course, cannot hear them, nor can he intercede for them, but by his public “elevation” to “sainthood” by Francis I, this marks an even deeper and deadly move towards a final end times level of deception and darkness, that only the Lord Jesus Christ can set man free from.



May 2006

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