The Imperativeness of Street Evangelism

The Imperativeness of Street Evangelism

Making videos, writing articles, and even planning trips away are all necessary and certainly well-received among the saved, but sharing the pure and undiluted gospel of Christ, with an unsaved party, face-to-face is absolutely priceless.

I would, therefore, like to invite those who take the time to read this, to gently nudge and encourage them, whether they are shy or perhaps just a little disgruntled, to seriously start sharing their faith on the streets, wherever and whenever they can.

You see, experience has often shown me that the vast amount of people that I have been privileged to witness to have never actually heard the correct gospel, Bible prophecy and the overwhelming evidence for God’s word. So when we pound the streets, God gives us some incredible people to share Jesus with!

And before one starts to panic about not being “educated enough,” i.e., needing to have a PhD in theology, speak Greek or Hebrew to pass out tracts or just share one’s testimony, please remember that all of the Apostles were simply average men, many with their own flaws, and yet in spite of this, God still called them and equipped them, so why not you?

So for now at least, just do something simple today that you didn’t do yesterday and maybe repeat it tomorrow and bit by bit, you’ll see a new side to your Christian walk that you really didn’t know existed. And who knows, you may lead your first sinner to Christ too!

“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).


George, whose son recently died, was understandably still upset about the sudden loss of his son. After noticing he had a tract, Patrick approached him and offered him comfort in Jesus. However, it then turned out that this elderly man had been encouraged to consult a medium, “to make contact with his late son.”

As he seemed tempted to do this, Patrick warned him not to even consider this but to seek the Lord instead and of course, get saved.

“Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference….” (Jude 21-22)


A man stopped, took one of my tracts, walked a few yards, tentatively read it, paused, turned around and walked back to me. The next 20 minutes or so, allowed me to speak to this very friendly and open-minded scientist about the things of God.

It transpired that he accepted “the philosophy of Christ” (like so many “free-thinkers” do) but had terrible trouble actually applying the doctrine of Christ to his daily life.

As he wasn’t self-righteous per se nor argumentative, this gave me the opportunity to take a more casual and laid-back approach, while constantly highlighting the absolute sinlessness of Christ to man’s sinful nature, i.e., the need to believe and receive Jesus as our only Saviour and remedy to sin, along with sharing my own testimony too.

Bit by bit, his arguments and objections, for use of a better word concerning the reliability of Scripture, Heaven and Hell, etc, were softly repelled from the word of God, but I had one request for him: would he be prepared to go home, open his old dusty Bible and commence reading the Gospel of John? A few seconds passed before he said, “Yes, I will.”

And with that honest acknowledgement, I thanked him, shook his hand and off he went on his way.

“What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops” (Matt. 10:27).


One Muslim girl initially stopped to speak with us, only to have James called over to help with some of her questions. Shortly afterwards, her friend joined in and a rather in-depth conversation took place, which graciously ended on a friendly note.

Some of our tracts (like the one featured were ripped, while others were discarded.) But they were the exception.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).