Munich Nights Chapter, 10: “Carin Relates An Old Swedish Legend With Walter In Her Garden”

Munich Nights Chapter, 10: “Carin Relates An Old Swedish Legend With Walter In Her Garden”

(The above is the only known portrait of Karin to have survived.  It was discovered in a bank vault in Hamburg whilst the building was being refurbished.  Along with personal letters, some jewellery and a coloured urn of cremated ashes, recipient unknown.  As there were no known living relatives to claim these items the portrait was auctioned in a Munich Art Gallery.  It was purchased by an anonymous buyer in Switzerland for one million Euros)

One week before the wedding, Walter received an unexpected invite from the Gorings to come for tea at half past three. There to be hosted at their villa in ‘Reginald Strasse at Obermenzing’. A date had been pencilled in and signed with a short friendly message from Carin herself.

He phoned Karin who insisted he should attend because if not Carin would be terribly disappointed.  He quickly agreed and sent an affirmative reply within hours.

On arrival at the designated hour, he was surprised to be warmly welcomed by Carin Goring herself, who greeted him with a kiss on both cheeks holding both of his hands tightly, saying warmly, “Welcome Walter”. A small dog stood at her feet and looked at him with enquiring eyes.

On entering the hallway his eyes were diverted towards a splendid mirrored mounted on the wall.  He would later learn that it was an antique Chinese Chippendale looking glass decorated with an intricate pagoda cresting foliage surround.

Seeing his interest was piqued Carin informed him proudly remarking: “It’s beautiful, isn’t it. I had it delivered from our family estate in Sweden.  It’s very old and belonged to Catherine the Great no less and hung apparently in her bedroom.

One morning whilst brushing her hair the story goes and gazing into the mirror she was informed that her husband, Pyotr Potemkin, had passed away of the fever or pneumonia.  She was naturally devastated it was reported and wept copiously before its reflection for days never wishing to leave her boudoir.  Then she ordered that the glass should be covered in a black silken shroud and removed from her sight and placed in the deepest palace cellar.  And there it was placed by her favourite footman. Well that was the family legend I was brought up with and I have no reason to doubt it,” she laughed saying, “Well even if it’s not true it’s a wonderful story nevertheless.”

She then invited him into a spacious sun-kissed drawing room boasting open casement doors overlooking her garden. And then turning, there seated at a crowded desk piled with papers, books and other paraphernalia, was her husband Hermann.

He quickly rose and came forward shaking Walter’s hand profusely. Then when Carin had exited the room to prepare a tea tray he spoke excitedly saying: “Our hearty congratulations dear boy.  Carin is so excited about the upcoming nuptials.  And may we both wish you all happiness for the future, and that you might always remain together, facing life’s adversities as we have.  Fraulein Auer is indeed a remarkable young woman. You are a fortunate man Walter”.

He then quickly noticed his wife returning awkwardly manoeuvring the heavy tray through the door and for a man his corpulent size he moved deftly to wrestle it from her pale hands.

For the next ten minutes, they discussed the wedding, and the numerous arrangements to be performed to make it a wonderful day. They both considered it a great honour to be a part of the coming celebrations.

Later Carin rose and excused herself. Walter then saw a trace of suffering on her face.

Hermann watched her leave the room and then said sincerely: “You know Walter, you and I have been blessed with the honour of having these two unique women accept our humble request of marriage. Through so much pain in the past she has supported me and encouraged me and loved me and never disappointed me. I have been gifted to be loved by her.   She is everything to me. Many times in the past.”

He was interrupted by her silent return.  She then took Walter gently by his arm informing her husband that she would not be away too long, she simply wanted to share with their guest some of the delights of her garden.

Walter courteously enquired about her health as they then strolled around the garden.  Recalling that Karin frequently commented about her delicate demeanour.  He had been informed by Heinrich that she had recently contracted a lung infection from attending her mother in law’s funeral.

Further health problems in the past and reoccurring ailments with her heart had necessitated in her being confined to a nursing home for treatment and observation.

Walter suspected this possibly is where she and Karin had first become acquainted with each other. Then answering his question she laughingly replied.

“Oh I have been existing on borrowed time for years my dear…why some of the most distinguished doctors in Europe have confirmed this to me with a positive GLEE!” She emphasised the last word.

“But then maybe we all are living on borrowed time without any of us knowing it.  None of us are invincible are we?”

Years before in an emotional letter to her husband she had confided that, “I have no fear of death. I want only that His will be done.  Because I know that what He wills is for the best for everyone, and I firmly believe there is a God.”

Quickly her words departed into the distance and there before their eyes flying in perfect formation high above were a flock of swallows. Then she spoke softly and with reverence as she watched as if speaking to them:

“The sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest

For herself, where she may lay her young even thine altars

O Lord of Hosts, my King, and my God.”

He learned later these solemn words were derived from Psalm 84. Then heard buzzing now into the Munich garden uninvited were bloated bees quickly settling on the sunflowers they had selected for a feed. The atmosphere was now heavy with a rich lavender aroma.  It all seemed so tranquil to Walter in this Munich garden as he viewed this lady with curiosity, his generous host the countess now seated next to him and Karin’s most favoured and loved friend.

A slender erect woman with auburn hair, statuesque, slightly imposing in her gestures and with high expectations of others. Yet it was her eyes that he was attracted to, always so perceptive, alert to a coming crisis or perhaps to her husband’s medical requirements (he had been a recovering morphine addict years before).

She always referred to them dubiously as the ‘bad old days for them both’ when asked about them, which was not often, if she could help it.

Yet that friendly dimpled inquisitive face could change to pensive, if unsure of a problem that had been presented to her. Walter liked her and admired her stoicism for what she had suffered and seemed to have somehow survived but perhaps not unscathed.  And he certainly believed Herman, adored her beyond all comprehension.

Weeks later in his office Hermann had confided in him with tears in his eyes that: “She is the light of my life dear boy. Without her, I am a blind and feeble fool.  Before she entered into my lonely life I did not exist.  She made me the man I have become. Without her love I would have been a pathetic drug addict stealing money in Berlin to feed my habit then discovered frozen to death one morning in a rat-infested alley near the Alexanderplatz.”

Walter always felt rather honoured that this man – the future successor to Adolph Hitler and Reich Marshall of the German Reich, Prime Minister of Prussia, Commander of the German Airforce, Chairman of the Reich Defence council and finally Chairman of the Scientific Research Council – would confide so much of his personal life to him.

To change the conversation and to be on safer soil he enquired about Sweden.  And of her fervour for her ancestors the Vikings.

“You know Walter, on our long rewarding walks together in those atmospheric sanatorium grounds, Karin and I would frequently discuss this very subject that is so dear to my heart.

I also reminded her that the blood of those Norse people of old also flowed through her Germanic veins and as well as mine”.

“She was fascinated of course and always a willing apt pupil in learning more about them. I reminded her that our weekdays are named after our Norse gods, except Saturday. Why even our Swedish national flag boasts the yellow Nordic cross of which I am so proud. Did you know it symbolised the mighty hammer of Thor originally until sabotaged by the Lutherans and the Catholics. Disgraceful!”

“And our Germanic political party members today in Germany are the true and rightful inheritors of that ancient Norse noble tradition. Very soon I believe it will be our own destined time! And any who dare to confront us will be swept aside.”

Then turning towards him she spoke profoundly and with pride of her own history and heritage: “Why our medicine men and women had prepared a natural poultice thousands of years ago for infections, saving many of our people from amputation, scarring and death”.

“They could skillfully navigate by the stars especially guided by the constellation Draco, aided also by the bright Etamin, the right eye of the dragon if you did not know.  And by the brilliance of the sun itself. Then to prepare for a planned voyage a fashioned carved lead ball was strategically placed in a copper dish of seawater for navigation.  Our long boats prowled the seas and they were invincible and as the warriors of that watery world and none dared to harm or hinder us. Why we even used the birds and the mighty whales, even seaweed for nautical purposes and all provided by Odin who bestowed his patronage to our people and I believe still does and always will.”

She now spoke softly with eyes closed: “The clouds, the stars and the moon all guided our ships and their rotating sails.  It was our people Walter, who first placed their Norse boots on the American soil five hundred years before that fool Columbus and Isabel’s pet puppy ever set sail from Palos. We even reached and scaled the structured steeped walls and gates of Paris. Then later even Kiev surrendered to our sharpened swords. Our frequent journeys reaching Baghdad and Jerusalem no less.”

She paused, seeming exhausted, then reviving, taking his hand saying: “We were my dear the original inhabitants of that great continent known as Atlantis if you did not know. Then a favoured few escaped within hours before that terrible explosion. That lost continent was destroyed perhaps forever. Who knows?  I believe our exhausted brave warriors reached northern Europe from the ruins of Atlantis.  Both Karin and myself have spent hours discussing these concepts with Heinrich. And he promised us that one-day German scientists and explorers from our party will discover the secrets of Atlantis. And what a divine day that will be!”

“Later our gilded ships silently departed and arrived to trade in precious metals, silks and spices and jewellery in Constantinople and then journeyed afar to India to explore, examine and claim its assorted riches.  No army could enslave or subjugate us because we were invincible”.

“You know Walter, it was recorded long ago by one of our favoured scribes that once, a clever trap was placed by our enemies to barricade a certain fiord we frequently sailed through. And remember: if captured it would have lead to death for all of our brave warriors.  But Walter we foiled it. How? Simply because our trapped men somehow by prayer and persistence pulled their ninety-foot long boats up that steep mountainside. Knowing that on the other side the mountain waters would be flowing downstream and taking them and their ships to freedom”.

“And do you know how they succeeded?  Because their faith had saved them.  No, we will never be conquered or enslaved! The approaching Germania is ours and one day we will be the new ruling masters of Germania and who knows perhaps the world?”

“And it will be a new world!  Our world created by us, for us!”

Her cheeks were now flushed with excitement at what she could foresee, but maybe not in her lifetime?  Walter diplomatically decided to divert from this subject that she was so passionately proclaiming by saying quietly: “Karin informed me recently about Ingrid and what the family endured as a result of that accident.”

She then answered without hesitation: “Such a tragic thing to happen to the poor lamb.” She then whispered sympathetically stating,” She was devastated and blamed herself for it of which she was innocent you know.” She took his hands saying: “But Walter, what a kind and generous offer of yours to include her name in the wedding celebrations. You know that benevolent gesture meant so much to Karin … and to me also”.  She then removed a small brush from her fitted jacket and started brushing the little dog’s coat.

Then as she regained her composure and sipping from a glass of water, he noticed a slim cross placed in the long grass. He enquired about its significance.

She smiled happily to answer his request: “Well this house in which we are so happy to have discovered, was previously owned and occupied I am informed by a retired sea captain.  He was a great animal lover but was not able to keep any because he was away at sea for long periods of time, so he decided that when he finally retired he would adopt assorted breeds of cats and dogs. Sadly for him, he outlived them all and decided that he would have them buried in this very garden instead of being cremated so that they would always be spiritually close to him and their memory being preserved here in this pet cemetery that he lovingly created. A wonderful gesture, don’t you think?”

The glare had now necessitated in her having to wear a pair of green-tinted glasses to shield her tired eyes.

“I take it he himself is not buried with them,” Walter asked with mock horror?”

“Well I certainly hope not!” she answered being amused at his suggestion.”

“Yet the love between an owner and its pet can never be underestimated, ” she stated with a firm conviction.

He had earlier noticed a peeling oak door fitted flush into a tilting brick wall at the rear of the garden. It was now mostly concealed from view by heavy clumps of blue-purple wisteria.  No.  She did not know its history when asked only that it had not been opened in years as the lock was rusted and the key had long since disappeared.

“Maybe that old sea captain buried that secret heavy key with all his dead pets in a box on its own,” he enquired jokingly.

“Well I definitely forbid you to investigate it Officer Kyper in your professional capacity,” she laughed again with a certain amount of privileged authority.

He then recalled that this was indeed a titled lady no less and raised into a privileged European family. And as a young girl, she had been proudly presented at the Royal Swedish Court.  He enquired about her own pets and the animals that had roamed freely in their estate in Sweden.

She was now the proud owner of a pet Pomeranian dog christened ‘Chilli’ now happily settled on her lap he noticed.  (In fact after Carin’s death in 1931 Hermann Goring would allow Chilli to accompany him whenever possible when he occupied an apartment in Berlin.  Sadly there is no evidence offered of when or where Carin’s little dog passed away but I doubt he is buried in that old sea captains cemetery).

She recalled them all with loving affection and surprisingly remembered most of their bizarre pet names. It was a menagerie of ponies, ducks, a koala bear and some rude parrots and assorted rabbits and others too numerous to mention she recalled.

Then the awareness of all animal sufferings was now introduced into the conversation causing her face to crease into pain as she introduced the subject of vivisection. She reminded him that in the ‘Good Book’ Adam had named and even talked with the animals in that lost perfumed Garden of Eden.

The wicked practice of vivisection performed in licensed government laboratories and abattoirs sickened her.  She was, she informed him now almost a vegan, in her choice of food. This cruel treatment of suffering animals had prompted her to ask Hermann to promise her that when the party came to power that he would do all he could to abolish this odious wicked treatment against the animal kingdom and that it be prohibited in Germany.

Goring did indeed honour the promise that he had made to Carin. On August 28th 1933 he announced that vivisection would be banned in Germany as well as cruel animal trapping and the practice of boiling crabs and lobsters alive for consumption.  For those who committed these crimes they ‘would be lodged in concentration camps,’ he warned, ‘to contemplate their crimes!’

(Goring with his ‘friends’)

Wouldn’t his beloved Carin have been so proud of his commitment to these crimes against animals? But of course, she was aware that her husband was a principled man and faithful to his word. It rather seems today that Goring was an early animal welfare and conservationist supporter, can you believe?

Then she became concerned.  Looking at him with those penetrating eyes as she removed her glasses that she used so persuasively, saying:  “I am so pleased that fate or whatever you wish to call it brought you and darling Karin to be gathered together.”

He wondered if she herself had somehow perhaps contrived this encounter?  She seemed to play such an important role in all aspects of Karin’s life.  He, however, remained silent, deciding not to declare his burgeoning doubts. But she was a woman of depth and the keeper of many secrets and he wondered if some of them might just concern himself?

Still searching for some reaction, her eyes were captured by a cluster of violets nestled by a nearby clipped hedge. She suddenly without prompting. began to recite a poem unknown to him:

Oh, Violets for the grave of youth,

And bay for those dead in their prime,

Give me the withers leave I chose

Before in the old time.

“Composed by Christina Rossetti if you did not know and as always in her most melancholy meritorious mood,” she informed him.

“But today we, Hermann and myself, are naturally delighted for within a week you and Karin will be joined together in matrimony.” She replaced her glasses hoping to soften the glare.

She then withdrew into her inner sanctuary and began to hum something he was unfamiliar with. Was this a favoured method of repose he speculated that somehow soothed her after her passionate pronouncements of her beloved ‘Nordic Kingdom’? ‘That land of the timeless mist of sunken fiords and towering glaciers’ (Gustav Axel 1860-1900). She had later quoted to him. He remained still just content to appreciate the peace of this her own unique secret garden that he had been privileged to be taken to discover.

Mention of her husband had allowed him to somehow silently arrive and place himself behind her.  His hands then began gently massaging her shoulders as Chilli immediately jumped down and placed himself obediently at the feet of his mistress.

She then reached for his familiar touch by slowly leading his fingers to her waiting lips kissing them and whispering in her native dialect, ‘Alskade en’ or, Beloved one, her favoured greeting from her husband.

Walter noticed an ornate ring on Hermann’s hand. This he later learned had been a personal birthday gift to him from Carin.  It was a heavy 18k cameo ring featuring King Leonidas of the Spartans in stunning profile.  An inscription engraved upon it read: ‘Zum Geburstag Lieber Hermann Deine Carin.’

That distinctive jewel was plundered after the War and auctioned years later in New York.  It then went into hibernation for several decades only to make an appearance again being sold anonymously for a six-figure amount. The whereabouts of that ‘Goring gem’ today remains unknown.  But it is suspected that it is now secured in a private collection in Paraguay or Rome or Buenos Aires or even Beverly Hills?

Walter recalled observing a perspiring Hermann discipline and drill a division of over a thousand raw SA recruits. Eventually bringing them up to the professional standards which he required. Heinrich had confided quietly to him that he would one day name and organise his own dedicated division of fighting young men, loyal to Hitler and the party and himself.

Walter had listened to how in 1920 the Countess had become acquainted with Herman.  This event occurred when her young dashing, decorated pilot had crash-landed with her brother-in-law on the grounds of her sister’s castle in ‘Rockelstad’.

Then landing professionally in appalling weather conditions onto a frozen lake with a masterful flourish from Hermann.  She would always and emotionally remind everybody of how this encounter had brought them both together for that first fateful day. (It has been suggested that this encounter was perhaps contrived?)

Carin had then arrived at the castle, as a regular guest of her sister, for the weekend, when the two frozen men arrived that evening walking into that splendid historic great hall.  Then when the young dazed Hermann was invited to stay, he naturally accepted.

Later escorted by Carin into the atmospheric castle chapel, he witnessed for the first time the banners emblazed with the swastika hanging from the stonewalls together with other excavated artefacts from Gutland.

Yet Carin herself was existing in a doomed marriage with her young son Thomas as her only consolation.  She was then five years older than Herman.  An unexpected romance later blossomed after that first introduction.

Naturally, their relationship would later become openly discussed and dissected in Stockholm society. Carin’s morals were questioned and condemned with opposition and protests from even her own parents.  Eventually, her husband initiated expected divorce proceedings.

Later according to Karin, the divorce became acrimonious with accusations from her husband’s lawyer to the court concerning her mental capabilities.

Possibly an epileptic condition it had been rumoured, but never confirmed.  Later she was informed that her son had been a casualty of their stormy marriage and that the court declared that his father would gain custody of the boy. She would later confide to her mother tearfully that, ‘I am nearly always melancholy.’ Possibly the symptoms for ’empathy,’ Karin had suggested to Walter. It being the first time he had encountered the word.’

This decision though not entirely unexpected had nearly devastated her emotionally, but she had survived its trauma and endured because life had taught her to proceed she had rightly reasoned.  Yet now she was loved but the cost been arduous. Yet Carin could not complain of her husband’s behaviour.  He later provided a generous financial post-divorce settlement and the opportunity to purchase a house in Munich. For that gesture, she would always be grateful to him and his concern for her well-being.

Later Chilli entered and remained in the Goring household. A welcome canine arrival in Carin’s recovery both physically and emotionally.

At the mention of Munich, Walter quietly enquired when she had first become acquainted with Adolph Hitler?

“Oh…let me see now… it must have been in October or November of 1922, maybe before. We had been married for two happy fulfilling years by then. Hermann had become acquainted with Adolph sometime before. He had of course previously heard about his reputation as a political speaker. Who hadn’t?  Much later we invited him to our home right here in Munich.”

“He was very polite, very formal, slightly frigid but charming. And the first time I was introduced to him he kissed my hand and claimed it was the greatest of pleasure for him to be acquainted with ‘the queen of the northern forests’. I had to smile to myself because when I was a girl there was a very popular steamship that took visitors sailing around our delightful Swedish islands. And yes, it was named ‘the Queen of the Northern Forests,’ can you believe?”

“But I doubt if he was aware of this coincidence, but I was rather touched and afterwards he became a regular and welcome visitor here.  As well as Rudolph (Hess) and Joseph (Goebbels) who used to love to help prepare the pasta in the kitchen.’ More parmesan, more parmesan,’ he would insist.  And always wearing a spare apron. It was very funny.”

“Heinrich (Himmler) was another guest and funnily enough he always reminded me of the provincial schoolmaster who had tutored my sisters and with little academic success. In those days he always seemed rather nervous around me and he always arrived with a gift of delicious oatmeal biscuits still warm from the bakery. He was very sweet and he once helped our neighbour to perform an oil change on his car, can you believe? Herman was hopeless at anything mechanical.”

Walter then asked with a smile: “And Adolph, did he bring any gifts?” “Only himself!” she laughed.

“Yet I was aware then that Germany’s destiny was embedded within him and him in Germany’s future. He, I knew, would be the heartbeat of this damaged nation.  He would be at that ship’s helm as he steered the searching German people to victory and pride in itself. Through that quagmire of moral filth and corruption. This would be his destiny and for all loyal Germans to have faith in and follow him.  So yes, I recognised this leadership quality in him at our first introduction.”

She paused saying quietly: “And even in my own husband’s role in this coming historical victory. Germany was indeed raped at Versailles, as you know by those evil wicked financiers who had bled a nation almost dry and with delight.  It was a Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy planned in Rome and Moscow to finally exterminate the pure bloodline of a defeated nation.  Quite simply the allies willingly humiliated and traumatised us. And one day they will ALL be punished for what they illegally committed!”

Her face then softened as an idea entered her mind and her previous political venom deserted her: “You know Walter, I had hoped that the four of us, you, Karin, Herman and myself could take a leisurely cruise around our beautiful undiscovered islands … now wouldn’t that be a wonderful holiday for four friends, don’t you think?”

Her eyes then misted with excitement. Then she regaled to him an old Norse legend that she and her young four sisters were told about many years ago by their old nanny in their nursery: “And I would like to relate it to you if I may.” She then smiled saying: “I still remember how frightened we were when nanny informed us girls about this ‘spooky’ story.”

She paused, placed her long tapered fingers together and began her tale in a hushed voice as if speaking to several small children seated around her feet: “Well, it seems that our nanny as a young girl used to sail to one of those enchanted islands with her father, a local fisherman. Then once there he dropped his lobster pots in his favoured place hoping for a favourable catch. Then days later they would row back to collect their haul. Now on this particular island, there lived an ancient hermit by the name of Hagan. He would, it seems, sit crossed legged around an open fire on the beach grilling fish for their breakfast. Then to enthral both her and her father with the many legends of the islands and especially this island now his home. Well according to Hagan the beautiful Princess Freya, named after Odin’s wife, lies secretly buried somewhere deep on the island, no one knows where.  But it is claimed she is only resting in a deep slumber and her face if timeless.”

Now it seems, or so the old tale goes, that hundreds of years ago the dreaded Black Death visited this particular island to claim many of the unsuspecting islanders in its clutches. The dreaded witch Pesta or the ‘the plague hag’ as she was known always proceeded her arrival usually gripping her broom and rake. And some claim concealed in her large stained canvas bag was a stained leather-bound book with the written names of the islanders she desired. One day she unexpectedly descended onto one unsuspecting island, it was then a prosperous happy kingdom ruled by the good and greatly loved King Olaf.

(Pesta the witch hag)

“The witch when she suddenly appeared on the beach was bravely confronted by Princess Freya demanding her reason for this unwelcome visit.” What do you want you wicked evil old hag,?” she demanded she was indeed fearless. Yet the islanders who had flocked to observe her arrival were then afraid with many lowering their eyes. But all had a concealed hatred for Pesta.

Pesta screamed back through phlegm speckled broken blackened stumps kicking the sand in anger that she had journeyed from afar to claim all of the island’s population and animals and King Olaf for herself.

Now the princess was devoted to her father and could not and would never allow any harm to be perpetrated against him or any of her father’s loyal island subjects. If Pesta raised her broom upwardly three times it was said the plague would descend and claim all the unprotected population.  If the rake was raised just once then some would be allowed to escape through its sharpened teeth. That blackened bristled broom was now waved and almost poked into the face of Freya with hatred and contempt.”

Carin had now noticed that Walter was entranced by the relating of this Nordic tale. She smiled to herself then continued speaking to her lone captive audience:

“It was then known that the princess and a young devoted young handmaid named Enya had grown up together. She being descended from that remote storm-battered island of Skuvo, one of the Faro islands. Now the two young women since girlhood were inseparable as only devoted friends can be.  Enya had studied and learned much from her herbalist father. She being a herbalist herself skilled in the art of preventing pain especially in the deliverance of babies. Her natural gifts learned from by her father were much sought after to soothe war injuries and other maladies such as damaged infected flesh and teeth and bone decay.

(A mighty ‘princess’)

Enya was observed frequently consulting a written Gaelic parchment detailing many favoured herbs that she desired such as juniper oil and with numerous sea plants, cannabis roots/hemp roots lichen, some assorted marigold flowers and other rare arctic-alpine plants. Drained sap from selected trees was also used and prepared with which the island was then heavily abundant.

Her medical remedies were requested by all who sought her natural abilities of which she offered them freely. She was greatly loved by all who consulted her and were charmed by her simplicity.”

“Now according to the legend and from the cracked lips of Hagan himself.  Enya was somehow able to place a person into a deep slumber. Offering to any watching person the appearance of death.  It really was remarkable to behold it seems. I suppose the nearest comparison today would be the enchanted tale of sleeping beauty. Or in our Norse tradition, she would be the sleeping princess Brynhild”.

“Now the princess had then previously and bravely tendered the witch with a simple request. This being that she herself would offer to be taken into Pesta’s dirt-encrusted hands, then to be cloaked into a final death at her whim.  But ONLY she emphasised if the kingdom’s loyal subjects and her father the king were spared. The wicked conniving witch naturally was delighted with this unexpected proposal from the young princess. After all, she rightly reasoned with a smirk she could cause the death and torment of thousands each day and whenever she decided. But a young innocent gullible princess? Well now that would be a raven’s feather in her pointed hat she reasoned!”

“She reluctantly agreed, then deciding to travel towards other destined islands and there to cause pain and pulverisation! Then shouted a warning to Freya, before finally departing that in three days or before she would return to claim her life.  This naive little princess would soon be hers she had reasoned with a cackle. Then with a noticeable relief to all the islanders, she departed that island shaking her fist at all of them with three ominous shrieks, “I’ll be back!”

“Quickly that day, for twilight was approaching, Enya studiously prepared a favoured family potion frequently consulting her favoured Gaelic parchment measuring each ingredient meticulously until completed.”

“She then enquired of her friend if she was now prepared to sleep having previously informed her earlier and her father of her intentions. The princess nodded and whispered a silent “yes”. The king nodded his consent and Enya then passed a golden chalice to her friend’s lips. This now contained the readied sleeping potion. The princess at Enya’s urging swallowed the bitter liquid then slowly descended into a contented slumber of stillness.

“She would suffer no trauma Enya assured the king, now or when awakening, of this Enya, was certain. Within minutes all outward appearance of life had deserted her. It was simply as if she had departed this world descending into the realm of death. By now the concerned King had after much thought ordered the prepared Viking burial preparations to be quickly finished with a decorated Norse longboat to be brought to him for his approval.  Then when completed to carry and lay his ‘deceased’ daughter into its wooden bow on open display. This gesture would honour all the local traditions of the Islanders and hopefully smother any suspicions from Pesta concerning his daughter’s sudden ‘death,’ he hopefully reasoned.”

“Both the king and Enya prayed this deception would appease the witch’s suspicions and stifle her wrath. It was now ordered by her anxious father that Freya prepared and clothed in a silken gossamer gown. Then to be covered with a russet-gold cloak finished with white plucked swan feathers. Also set upon her head would be a heavy emerald encrusted crown. Under her folded hands would be placed that golden chalice with assorted bracelets, necklaces and rings, resting on deep embroidered violet-scented velvet cushions. Finally, her body to be scattered with rose petals by her father. The stage had been prepared and was ready for inspection. Now they waited with trepidation for Pesta’s dreaded return.”

“Days later the sneering filthy witch arrived to excitedly claim the life of the young princess. However, when being presented with the still body of the princess in the open boat she shrieked with rage and spat at the mourners surrounding the funeral barge. But then suspecting something was suspicious she shouted that the princess be buried in front of her, suspecting somehow that she may not be dead after all.  And that she had been tricked!”

“She then poked and prodded the still body of the princess even holding a broken shard of glass under her nostrils for evidence of life. None appeared. Finally but not altogether convinced of the princess unexpected convenient death, she ordered the boat to be lowered into the earth.”

“Enya quickly secreted a dampened canvas cowl soaked in a mixture of herbs, sea plankton and diluted liquids obtained from a rubber tree. She then placed it securely over her friends sleeping body to allow the air to be trapped inside the sunken boat.  She had now suspected that her own life would soon be ended with all the others.”

“Her grief would now commence. She then took her allotted place standing silently by the dejected king and waited with the others for the approaching plague to descend and destroy all on this once contented island. Hours later the exhausted gravediggers and with the weeping islanders watching, by flickering lanterns, as that heavy vessel was lowered further into it’s deepened prepared pit of thirteen feet.”

“Pesta watched in anger, herself now plotting her revenge as the spades of heavy earth were deposited over the grave of that sunken buried ship.”  However, when the task was completed, Pesta who was still watching suspiciously suddenly decided to renege on her promise. ‘None would be spared’ she screamed and ‘all would die anyway’ she promised and her anger would not be tempered.”

“And then in a spate of raw rage, she summoned the awaiting Black Death to devour all of the now cowering island inhabitants.”

“‘Now you are all going to die in chains of pain and then slowly perish,’ she shrieked as she finally departed that dying island without a backward glance. Then as expected that feared black dense clouds of plague-ridden insects descended from the horizon onto to the helpless defenceless islanders. Rather akin to heavy blankets of death it seemed to a watching tearful Enya.”

(Plague of locusts)

“The Cascades of insects began settling then feeding and devouring where they could and on who and what they found inviting. And mainly from the eyes and the mouth and burrowing within the ears of the Islanders. All were unable to resist the terrible blackened death as the insects joyfully feasted upon each defenceless person. The insects’ sickening appalling appetite would never be satisfied. Then all the dying would as expected eventually expire painfully and pitifully.”

“The last to perish and prostrating herself onto Freya’s grave was a weeping now blinded Enya. Laying alongside her was her faithful loving Irish wolfhound Rory named after the last true King of Ireland.  Enya knew she was now dying and helpless to save or rescue her dear friend. And with that precious antidote still concealed within the deepened folds of her emerald green cloak. Death, when it arrived, would slowly claim her as the last conquered inhabitant of this doomed island. But now as she lay still and almost exhausted an idea emerged in her mind. She reached for that precious page with the wording and annotations of a reviving remedy.  She then somehow managed to secure it within an empty stone squat bottle just within her reach. She then slowly scrapped way the earth with her weakened fingers over Freya’s final resting niche. Finally lowering that saving bottle above the sunken vessel now somewhere deep into the hardened earth.  Hoping that maybe someone in the future would locate it and use it to reawaken the sleeping princess Freya, her dearest friend.”

“Then when all those final exhausting efforts had been completed. She then wrapped her flowing cloak around her dying dog and covering herself, she died. Yet that old beach inhabitant it seemed had years later composed a riddle before he himself mysteriously disappeared. He was never to be seen again maybe Pesta took him,” she laughed mischievously.” But it revealed as to where the princess would be located. And it reads:

Neither sea nor sand nor wave nor wind

Will ever disturb her final resting place

Where she has slumbered under that favoured elm

The sister of that golden staff.”

Walter had started to notice that in relating this Scandinavian scenario, Carin had shown symptoms of sleepiness. With deep troughs being etched upon her tired face. But she then somehow summoned hidden springs of strength. Then continued in her detailed discourse from a body that must have inwardly ached.

“But then it was also written or so the legend has proclaimed through the years that one destined day in the future when Sweden or Europe is in approaching danger and in great peril princess Freya will silently awaken from her prolonged sleep and never miraculously to have been ravaged or aged at all in her appearance. And then to a solemn shout, the Swedish nation under our proud Norse flag will summon their brave Viking warriors to defeat all their sworn (E.U) enemies. And this I do believe and yearn for Walter, that one day our brave loyal men and women under princess Freya’s command and true warriors valiantly by her side will fight and demand freedom from her various enemies”

She leaned back in her chair then surprisingly soaked her handkerchief into her glass squeezed out the surplus then placed it upon her brow. This effect seemed to revive her strength as she now listened to Walter’s question.

“And Pesta, what was her final fate, if any? he asked still fascinated by what he had been listening to.

“Ah. Now she would wander throughout Europe to ravage and ruin many lands on many continents stealing assorted children for herself.  Even to Africa and China, it has been claimed. I think she is still out there today somewhere waving her worn broom and rake claiming all of those she seeks through many new diseases.”

Then her face brightened because of what she was about to confide in him saying: “And Heinrich has promised me personally that when we come to power, he will personally select and instruct a team of specialist selected surveyors, soldiers and doctors to discover that enchanted lost island to finally locate that precious antidote.  And then to gently awaken our beautiful sleeping princess, maybe by himself, and oh what a day that will be!”

Sadness passed over her tired face as she remarked: “But I fear I will never, ever witness it in my own lifetime. But,” she empathised this word. “Perhaps you and Karin will be there to see Freya finally awaken … oh I do hope so!” Her eyes now smouldered with joy at this unlikely scenario thought Walter.  He silently nodded his approval then reached for the half-empty glass that had slipped from her open fingers securing it safely by her chair and by her discarded sunglasses.

She then excused herself claiming exhaustion but requested Walter to please remain and wait for her return. He closed his tired heavy eyes still very much intrigued in the story of that lost Island legend.

Then sleep captured him and he descended into a darkened dell of dreams. Then to his dismay, he witnessed the witch Pesta herself standing before him on a rock waving both her brush and rake at an approaching white horse. Was this Fredrick he thought?

Princess Freya clutched the reins tightly, a frightened look depicted on her face.  And with a nervous Karin seated behind her holding onto her belted waist of the princess’s now flowing torn dress. Then the horse reared up and stumbled with the two women being dangerously tilted backwards. Another familiar figure he could not recognize stood nearby also watching intently. He tried to shout a warning to Karin but no words emerged from his dry mouth. Only hearing the cackle of Pesta who had watched and laughed at what she observed with a delight. Then he stirred from his sleep to experience Carin gently waking him by touching and stroking his face whispering in a soft tone to him in a language that he did not comprehend, She looked concerned informing him that.

“You were having and suffering a very bad dream Walter. I thought it best my dear to awake you.” He groggily thanked her. Then she surprisingly enquired: “Were you dreaming of perhaps … Pesta and with the fair Freya and Karin both seated on a rather familiar white horse… that you may have possibly have recognised? (Frederick the Lipizzaner).  Were you just about to witness them both about to be thrown from the horse unexpectedly? Well, do not be concerned neither of the ladies fell or were injured and all is well. I witnessed everything,!” she smiled benignly. Hermann would later say to him that she could see things that other people were not permitted to looks at.

Walter listened in astonishment at what she had revealed to him. Wondering could this women not only have the ability to peer into his dreams but could even to appear in them herself!

Then she casually said: “Then I did the correct thing in awakening you did I not? But then I usually do! You know life is all about our choices. We all commit to either the correct or the incorrect choice. Simple as that. And then the consequences are ours.  Rarely does someone force us to do so. Maybe it’s choice after all that drives this earth to spin on its eternal axis … oh and money and greed, of course, lubricating those worn cogs!” she laughed.

He then noticed she had been dexterously stitching designs into a silk handkerchief with a swift needlepoint precision.  And just maybe whilst he was sleeping.

When she had finished she displayed it for inspection then nodded approvingly. Then she turned to Walter, offered it to him saying simply, “To you from me.”

She had skillfully stitched, with a scarlet thread, his initials and her own, onto the cloth.  With a small swastika symbol within a shield into a corner.

Touched by her kindness and the unexpected gift he leaned across and kissed her cheek. She did not seem surprised by this token of his affection but accepted it graciously. They then reminisced like two old friends about nothing in particular just enjoying the ambience of her prized garden and its all-invading magical summer aromas.

Walter then enquired of their plight after her husband’s life-threatening groin injuries that he had suffered after that failed Munich Coup in 1923.  Yet he hesitated to inquire too much about this concealed chapter of their life together, feeling akin to an unwelcome intruder peering into the window of her past.

Yet she seemed surprisingly more predisposed to share those long years with him.  Placing her wickerwork basket by her feet she lifted a newly prepared unasked for a glass of apple juice brought to her by their faithful Swedish housekeeper Frau Adell.

Carin then slowly sipped from the glass through a green straw considering his request and slowly responded.

She started by recalling how then after the failed putsch in Munich and with the police searching for her husband with an arrest warrant, they had fled from Munich in haste. He at death’s beckoning door, she at her wits end with worry.

In 1925 he had been confined in a straight jacket at the Langbro asylum in Stockholm in the belief he could perhaps suppress his morphine habit. ” A terrible period for us both,” she recalled.

They had later travelled that difficult and dangerous path together and always seeking a safe harbour.  ‘In spite of being dosed with morphine every day his pain is just as bad as ever,’ she had confided to her mother, in one of her frequent letters home. Still shocked at her husband’s appearance as he slowly withdrew from his addiction, she later sadly confessed, ‘I hardly recognise him now; the whole man seemed to have changed.’

She also thoughtfully confided to her father also that, ‘I never thought Hermann could get so low.’  Later she would write, ‘Hermann has learned a lot here (Italy) I think much of it has been painful to his soul, but it has certainly been necessary for his development’. This sounded rather like a psychiatric personal patient valuation Walter thought or maybe she had read it from some doctor’s case notes?

In their assorted travels, they were as wandering almost penniless, pitiful gipsies.  Hermann being unemployable further caused consternation to her. She recalled residing in Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Sweden.  Frequently then just about existing on eagerly awaited food parcels dispatched by her concerned family.  She was never disappointed.

She remembered the frequent times of standing in cold queues at assorted post offices to collect, she hoped, her expected food parcel from Sweden.  Then only to be brusquely informed that her expected delivery had unfortunately been delayed due to some industrial dispute.  There would be no nourishment on their bare table that day or many others, she later recalled.  Yet their devotion to Germany’s destiny and especially in Adolph’s ascendancy in German politics never waned or disappointed either it seemed.

In between the frequent required medical treatments, Hermann had hoped to secure an audience with Mussolini. A year after that botched Munich coup Carin could write emotionally to her mother sadly reminiscing of the past that, ‘How many fine dreams have gone their worldly way and how many good friends too.’

To Hermann, his wife seemed to be simply ‘withering away’. Then she would miraculously recapture her composure and always her confidence in their married future, which never flagged. And always her mother, her darling mother posting those oh so welcome precious food parcels from Sweden.

Frequently then she had bitterly realised that posted money was being stolen en route. This continued to occur until her mother was informed of a very clever ruse that a Russian duke had used after escaping himself from Soviet Russia. It resulted in her mother posting old worn shoes or slippers to Carin, but carefully padded out with reams of newspapers. But in fact rolls of desperately needed money being secured into the toes of the shoes. “And you know what? They always arrived safely,” she laughed then becoming wistful remembering that.

“They were happy but hungry years, but how we loved each other throughout it all it.  But I’m not sure I would want to experience it ever again,” shaking her head.” Once was enough for both of us, well at least for yours truly.”

“Yet many generous hoteliers over those wandering years and faithful party members, as well as small pensions and boarding houses helped us. Many would offer us free accommodation and plentiful food.”  She sipped her drink as she then remembered something special that she wished to impart to him.

“One year we have domiciled in Venice a delightful city you know and Hermann had been desperately trying to arrange an appointment with Benito Mussolini and not I’m afraid with much success.

(Carin and Hermann and ‘friends’)

Then one day the headwaiter of the popular Hotel Splendido, who fortunately was sympathetic to our cause, paid us a surprise but very welcome visit.  He informed us quietly that the Royal banquet wedding suites had been hired by a prominent member of the Italian aristocracy it seemed. And apparently, a full day had been placed aside to decorate it to the highest standards demanded by the aristocracy, with gold plates and crockery and cutlery that once adorned Napoleon’s dinner table. Much of it being transported by hand from the kitchens of king Emmanuel no less.

But it seems that at the last minute the bride had dispatched a brief note of explanation to the prospective groom’s family informing them that she had romantically eloped with the family’s Irish chauffeur from County Cork. (And in fact, Carin’s relatives on her mother’s side were also descended from Cork. They had connections with the Beamish-Crawford Brewery Co., Ireland’s then largest brewery).

The bride announced flippantly that she would definitely not be attending her own wedding and please not to try to locate them both.  And OH my, can you imagine what a ruckus that caused and the reaction of the guests?”

She shook her head saying, “So my dear that banquet was reluctantly cancelled on the orders of the prince himself no less. But WHAT to do with all that sumptuous food and drink?  Now that would be a problem that could not be ignored but more importantly how could it be solved and perhaps to our benefit?”

“Well that dear man who had arrived earlier offered us a splendid solution for all of us.

If I remember correctly we were then feasting on our last few Crawford’s stale biscuits with half an apple each and sipping a bottle of milk through two straws in a freezing room.

He then excitedly informed us that we both were personally invited as his favoured guests to attend that evening at the hotel in the banqueting suite no less; to enjoy all that prepared food and drink.

Naturally, we accepted and with a lasting gratitude I might add. Hunger if you did not know it can make you very thankful for any crust placed on an empty plate before you. Herman had previously noticed on his numerous evening walks that so many poor homeless ex-servicemen appeared so distressed and famished and with too many sadly sleeping under cold open bridges.  So Hermann enquired if he could he perhaps invite some of them to share in this unexpected windfall?

Thankfully there were to be no problems from our host.

“They will all be most welcome captain Goring,” he answered without any hesitation with an affirmative. Then he smartly saluted Hermann, kissed both my hands then departed for the hotel to make the many preparations in the hotel kitchens that would be needed to shape its success”.

“It was to be a wonderful, unforgettable evening with both of us sitting in grandeur at the top table as the personal Guests of Honour can you believe?  The food and delicacies were divine and the company most delightful.  Many of the invited soldiers had been previously offered washing facilities to use before the food was served.  And most still sported their proud campaign medals that they had not pawned!  The world that evening in that hall was ours.  It was as if somehow we were one family brought together by a chance wedding cancellation.

Afterwards when requested coffee and liquors were being served, one of the Italian waiters serenaded us with sorrowful songs from Sorrento, oh so sad.  But for myself the pinnacle of the evening’s merriment arrived, when a young waiter who looked vaguely familiar to me introduced himself, bowed and addressed me as Countess. Then he kissed my hand and then surprisingly informed me that he had been employed on the staff at my sister’s castle at Rocklestad can you believe? Where I had, of course, visited so often with my darling Thomas”.

“With your kind permission dear Countess Carin I would like to sing an old Swedish song ‘ Herr Mannelig’ of which I am sure both you and I know only too well. You are all invited to join in the chorus.” He laughed looking at the confused guests still seated and some still eating around the table.

Then searching Carin’s face for a reaction he said. “Of course you and I Madam are the only two here who know or understand the meaning of the words.” They both laughed nodding in agreement.

“He and I sang it with so much emotion. I suppose it was one of the most unforgettable evenings of my life and there was so much love offered to us both in that room.  Everyone was so kind to us. Then unexpectedly Hermann was asked to give a speech with hopefully some words of encouragement, which he naturally performed with rousing passion. We then attempted to sing three national anthems can you believe?  No not all at once” she laughed.

“Well, we tried to anyway! Then each of those saddened men with nowhere to lay their heads that night lined up to shake Hermann’s hand with all wanting to kiss my hands as they departed the hotel.  It was sadly time for us all to take our leave. I was very tearful being so touched by this gesture from our host. Then it sadly was all over and we both wandered out into that cold cruel world of ‘sjunk eller siming’. And that beautifully prepared banquet had been welcomed and enjoyed by us all.”

Her face then veiled over as an unhappy memory surfaced that she wished to share with him.  It concerned one young man named Franz Wilhelm and who was just nineteen years old and had been badly blinded and scarred at Yypres.  He had waited patiently to talk to her finally asking her very quietly as if as a whisper. ‘Countess Carin would you please look after this keepsake of mine? It means a great deal to me’.  He then placed a small silver locket with a photo of himself and his mother into her hand. She was slightly taken aback until he explained his reason being that he himself would never ever be able to look again upon the lovely face of his beloved mother. Due to his blindness.

“I naturally agreed to his unhappy request.  Well, how could I refuse him?  I said that I would and wished him well and watched him leave with a friend. Then sadly we were informed only the next morning that this poor young man that I had met and talked to only hours before had himself been discovered frozen to death under a girder.  I do sometimes speculate if he had somehow a premonition about his approaching death that that very cold night and had decided to entrust his precious locket to be secured by myself for safekeeping?  But I’m glad that he did and I was sincerely touched that he asked me to look after it for him. Maybe destiny had, after all, delivered that poor boy to me with his most unusual request.  But of course, this terrible news obviously upset Hermann and myself so very much that he vowed that day that when our party marched into the corridors of power, no discharged wounded soldiers would ever have beg starve or die on the streets of Germany ever again and I fully supported him”.

“I still have that little locket, Walter, that he placed so trustingly and lovingly into my hand that evening long ago.  And I will always keep it as a reminder and to his memory and of that evening’s wonderful unexpected banquet. Of course, the strange thing is that he will never age, will he?  But will always be as young as he is seen in the picture in the locket….”

Her voice trailed off into a final whisper.  She then sighed and reached out to her husband who stood behind her.

She now appeared tense and tired and utterly exhausted. Hermann solicitously whispered something into her ear and informed Walter that she now required her medicine and some bed rest.

Carin stood up slowly still supported by her husband then turned to Walter and embraced him saying softly into his ear.

“Promise me you will love and cherish Karin all of your life Walter, or” she paused shaking her forefinger at him ” I shall return with an army of Viking warriors from Valhalla to make your life a misery.”

She emphasised the words Viking and Valhalla with a smile and a gentle punch to his shoulder whispering jokingly in his ear, “I might even bring Pesta with me and you DON’T want me to summon her do you!!”

She then turned to her husband speaking as an almost afterthought to him saying: “I think I’m going to suggest to Karin that she ask Alfred to perhaps string some coloured prism lights across those beautiful trees in their garden, for the wedding and maybe I will invite my old friend Greta (Garbo) to the wedding if Karin agrees of course?”

She laughed at this unexpected revelation having stopped walking and turned to Walter saying: “And yes I actually did know that wonderful actress believe it or not?  It was when she studied in Stockholm long before her famous Hollywood years of course. Her late sister Alva Maria was a dear friend of mine as well, who sadly died far too young. I suppose we three women will always be remembered as some of the sisters of Sweden.”

Then she whispered in Swedish, a very emotional “Sverige Jag alskar mitthem.. or Sweden, my love, my home”. She then turned to Walter again blew him a kiss and finally departed from the aromas of the garden clutching her little dog.

In fact Alfred, unfortunately, damaged his ankle in opening the stepladder the next day, leaving his younger son Wolf to complete the lighting task in that well-stocked Auer garden.

The devoted couple then departed talking inaudibly to each other as they entered the open door. Walter now alone sat in their secluded garden considering those still painful years she had endured in her past.  Some of it confided to him in confidence, he suspected maybe for the first time to anyone.

A courageous lady the Countess, he decided and certainly a potential asset to his or any other political party. The Goerings it seems had gained a generous political prize for their committed beliefs.  And had surprisingly survived in becoming stronger in their devoted love for each other.  Her extraordinary but rather enchanting story of the sleeping princess and the blinded soldier seemed to have some similarities with each other he had realized. In the fact that the sleeping princess and the blinded soldier could or would never age. He speculated if the two stories were suspiciously contrived in how she had woven the two together and rather successfully at that.

When Herman later returned, he quietly confirmed that Carin was indeed resting and hoping to conserve her strength for the wedding. He also produced a small bottle of Moet champagne with two fluted glasses. Walter expressed his concern in that if she could or would not be able to attend the wedding Karin would be absolutely devastated…maybe even postpone the ceremony.

Herman laughed at this suggestion saying,” Try keeping her away, she would not miss this for the world even if she has to be carried in on a stretcher or on my back! Now that would be a sight to see wouldn’t it?”

He uncorked the bottle poured out two glasses and presented one to Walter saying. ” Just a small pre-wedding toast to your coming happy day”.  They then clinked their glasses and enjoyed the grape. He then sat next to Walter his mood becoming serious saying: “You know Walter we both considered it a great privilege and a pleasure to have been invited to your wedding.”

He then for some reason recalled a dangerous incident in Stockholm or maybe Austria years before during their wanderings. When socialist thugs had attacked Carin in the street with sharpened stones leaving her to suffer from a broken foot.

“Yet tenacious lady that she was she was able to overcome the pain and ward them off with her umbrella can you believe? And have the full working use of her foot again within six weeks… absolutely amazing. I was very proud of her as you can imagine. I always used to insist that if ever a film were produced of our early life together which is unlikely and of the wanderings and struggles we both endured, the only actress I would propose to portray her would be naturally her friend Greta Garbo. She once informed me that she had Greta’s Swedish phone number in her little red book that she always carried with her. And amazingly Her Royal Highness the Queen of Sweden can you believe? She used to refer to her with unreserved affection as dear Queen Vicky!”

“And what of you Hermann? Who would be approached to depict yourself on that silver screen?” Walter enquired with tongue in cheek, “Well Rudolph Valentino of course, who else?” He replied immediately laughing at his own joke and patting his copious stomach.

They talked about party politics and how the party was expanding daily. “From little acorns do mighty oaks grow” Hermann stated that old proverb with some authority.  And how also Adolph’s friendship meant so much to both of them.  He was four years younger than Adolph and had viewed him as an older brother. Now with both Carin and Adolph in his life, he understood that he had a purpose and where his future lay.  And with Carin to always accompany him he was convinced he would scale that pinnacle to success and conquer that hard rock face of life..

Walter informed him of Ernst Rohm’s news from Bolivia with his possible impending return to Germany. And of Heinrich’s hope to prepare his own praetorian Bavarian guard to protect Adolph.  Hermann agreed with this proposal and mentioned his own ambitions as well for Prussia.

With party membership now over 70,000 the two men had high expectations for the coming regional elections.  Walter finally presented his leave then standing and thanking his host for the kindness they had both awarded him.

“No thank YOU, Walter, for being so considerate and attentive to listening to Carin. Sometimes you know I suspect she is happier only reliving those old days that we lived together on our”, he laughed, ” European tour. Personally, I just need to forget them all. I always felt unfulfilled in what I failed to achieve in those days.  But then Carin’s own medical prospects are still very uncertain even today you know.  Her health has been in a dangerous decline for many years.  So I now take each allotted hour shared with her as a special blessing.” He closed his eyes and reached into his pocket for his winged crested scratched lighter.

Not for the first time, Walter noticed as Hermann lighted a fresh cigar that his weight had ballooned considerably and possibly due to his previous assorted drug addictions.

Hermann then proposed that if possible, the men wear blue carnations in their lapels at the upcoming wedding. This he had sported himself at his own wedding to Carin in 1923.  It had been her personal request for him to do so. Walter could see no reason either for this request to be denied. He then made a note to inform the florist of this request.

The two men warmly shook hands and Herman walked his guest to the road still talking. He then waved him goodbye and departed into the open door. Chilli, Walter noticed was nowhere in sight and was probably preening himself on his mistress’s bed.

As he walked away from the villa towards his car he searched for his watch which he had previously removed from his wrist. And quickly noticed he was actually going to be late for an arranged fitting for his wedding suit. He would have to hurry hoping that the traffic would not detain him. And definitely never to be reunited ever again with the unwanted acquaintance of the perverted Pesta in his nightly nocturnal wanderings.

To be continued…..

(C) Copyright G. Patrick Battell

November 2018

(All Rights Reserved)